Construction Simulator 2015 Gold Edition-SKIDROW

Construction Simulator 2015 Gold Edition merupakan game simulasi dimana pemain akan mengendalikan 15 mesin kontruksi buatan LIEBHERR, STILL dan MAN tentunya dengan graphic 3D yang sangat nyata, membuat pondasi bangunan, menyusun rangka bangunan menjadi pekerjaan yang harus anda selesaikan dengan benar dalam game ini. Mengenai control anda bisa menggunakan keyboard ataupun joystick jika anda memilikinya.
System Requirement:
CPU Speed:
Dual-Core Processor with 2.4 GHz
Video Card:
DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 1 GB
VRAM (Geforce 400 Series or better | ATI Radeon HD 57xx or better)
Cara Installasi:
- Download semua part kemudian extract
- Burn atau mount file iso menggunakan Daemon Tool, Ultra iso atau sejenisnya
- Install game sampai selesai
- Copy file yang ada pada folder "SKIDROW" kemudian paste/ replace ke directory installasi Contruction SImulator 2015
- Jika file crack terdeteksi virus, tenang saja itu hanya fals detection, silakan masukan file crack ke dalam file exclude di antivirus anda
- Untuk menjalankan gamenya, klik kanan kemudian run administrator pada shortcut game tersebut
- Suksess
Password :
-----> Tested On Window 10 32bit
- Over 200 working stages in over 150 different missions ensure hours of enjoyment
- 15 realistic construction machines made by LIEBHERR, MAN and STILL
- Realistic vehicle controls – e.g. SAE controls for excavators supported
- Realistic sound effects recorded from the original machines
- Multiplayer mode
- For beginners and pros: freely switch between arcade and pro controls
- Expansive, freely navigable world with diverse areas and districts
- Numerous dealers and suppliers that you can visit
- Detailed tutorial ensures a smooth start in the game
- Non-linear dynamic mission system provides endless gaming enjoyment
- Acquire a property developer license and become a real estate magnate
- For DIY fans: the modding of construction sites and vehicles is fully supported
- Experience system with numerous levels that allow you to unlock special missions
- Popular gamepads, steering wheels, and joysticks are supported

Construction Simulator 2015 Gold Edition-SKIDROW
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